JPSC Forest Range Officer Examination Syllabus

JPSC Forest Range Officer Examination Syllabus

The Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) has published the syllabus for the JPSC Forest Range Examination, covering both the Preliminary (PT) and Mains Examination. The syllabus for the optional paper is also provided below. All candidates who have applied for the Forest Range Officer posts are encouraged to review this article thoroughly. Aspirants can download the JPSC Forest Range Officer Syllabus PDF directly from the link provided below this article.

Syllabus for Preliminary Examination

There will be only One paper for the preliminary examination which will be objective type and it consist of 150 questions. The duration of the examination will be 2 Hours.

S.N.SubjectNo. of Question
1Indian History and Indian Independence Movement20
2Geography of India and the World20
3Indian Polity and Constitute20
4Indian Economic20
5Jharkhand’s History, Geography, Economics and Culture30
6Important Events of Jharkhand, India, and the World20
7General Science20

Syllabus for Main Examination

The Main Examination consists of Three Descriptive-type papers are following:

Paper-1 (Hindi &English)

Maximum Marks: 100

The General Hindi and General English papers will be qualifying in nature. Candidates who score 30 marks or more in either paper will be considered qualified. However, the marks obtained in these papers will not be added to the total score of the written examination.

General English: Marks: 50

  1. Essay writing – 10 marks
  2. Comprehension – 20 marks
  3. Grammar – 20 marks

General Hindi: Marks: 50

  1. Essay – 20 marks
  2. Precis – 10 marks
  3. Grammar – 20 marks

Paper-2 (General Studies)

Maximum Marks: 100

  1. Current events: Significant state (Jharkhand), National and International events, personalities (Jharkhand state, India and International) in news, including sports events and personalities.
  2. History of India: Ancient, medieval and recent history including the Indian national movement, its social, economic and political aspects including the nature and character of the 19th century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.
  3. Geography: The earth, its shape and size, latitudes and longitudes, ocean currents and tides, atmosphere and its composition including physical, social and economic geography of India; its climate, vegetation, natural resources, location and distribution of agriculture and industrial activities with special defence to Jharkhand.
  4. Indian Polity: The country’s political system and Constitution of India, covering broadly its framework, main features, different organs of Government and their functioning at the centre, State and local levels including Panchayati Raj institutions, Fundamental rights, Fundamental duties and Directive principles of state policy, Functioning of Indian democracy and elections.
  5. India Economy: Economic developments in India, the basic foundation of the economy, features and sectors of the Indian economy, the process of planning and five-year plans, market and State controls, the process of liberalization and globalisation, inflation, poverty and unemployment.
  6. Jharkhand’s History, Geography, Economy and Culture
  7. General Science and environmental issues: GA general appreciation and understanding of science and the environment, including matters of everyday observations and experiences, as well as current environmental issues.

Paper-3 (Optional Subjects)

The total number of questions in the optional subject papers will be eight. Out of these eight questions, five must be attempted. Each question will carry equal marks.

For each paper Maximum Marks: 200

The candidate will be able to choose any one of these optional subjects:

  1. Agricultural
  2. Agricultural Engineering
  3. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
  4. Botany
  5. Chemistry
  6. Civil Engineering
  7. Mechanical Engineering
  8. Chemical Engineering
  9. Forestry
  10. Geology
  11. Mathematics
  12. Physics
  13. Statistics
  14. Zoology
  15. Environmental Science

Important Links

Forest Range Officer Syllabus PDFDownload
JPSC Forest Range Officer Recruitment 2024Click Here

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